Be inspired by my story to create, transmit and share

    Esther Assouline's creations transpire the richness of her oriental origins and her pleasure in materials and colours.

    She lets herself be carried along by the magic of the "material's accidents" to dig the creative space they suggest. The result is unique, an ephemeral encounter between what metal has to offer and the tool. The jewellery always keeps the mark of this exchange very present: the lines are rarely regular, the pendants evoke fragments of a whole buried in History.

    She's in the jubilation  of realization. If one can see in her creations a soul and a story, it is nevertheless the pleasure of the object above all, from the touch to  the light effects , which dictates her choices.

    Esther Assouline's identity is omnipresent in jewellery as varied as her imposing rings and the finest necklaces.

     Text by Doan Biraud